You look like a ginger, but you have brown hair. We'll call you cinnamon.

You look like a ginger, but you have brown hair. We'll call you cinnamon.
You look like a ginger, but you have brown hair. We'll call you cinnEMon.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Variety's the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor.

- William Cowper

Good morning!!!

7 days down!! Now embarking on the 8th of what is hopefully to be many days.

What have I learned in the first week of my journey?

1) Variety! Make it interesting, variety to the foods that we eat keep them enjoyable. Variety is the very spice of life. If I were to eat the same things for those 7 days I think that I would have become bored. I kept my work week meals pretty similar, to keep the packing process easier. Oat bran, 1 scoop Vega Chai, and banana for breakfast with black coffee. Salad topped with tempeh, hummus, balsamic vinegar with carrots on the side for lunch. I would try to make the salad a little different, adding a little minced garlic one day, hot chili flakes another day. Larabar for a snack in the afternoon, my favorites are Blueberry Muffin, Carrot Cake, Apple Pie. Dinner was a mix of veggies, vegan protein and sauce. Dessert was fresh fruit, whether melon, blueberries, peaches, apples.

Over the weekend I was able to get more variety in because I was out of the office and able to make lunch, snack and dinner freely. Saturday was difficult because I was at a family get together. Breakfast stayed the same. Lunch on Saturday consisted of a banana and a Larabar, with a snack later on of another Larabar and an apple. Dinner was hummus and zuchinni. When I got home I ended up eating some oat bran with peanut butter. Not the best of days, but I made due in the situation I was in and was able to stay vegan and with in a healthy calorie intake. Sunday was more exciting. Lunch was a hugh jass salad with vegan black beans, avocado, spring mix, eggplant, corn, tomato, cucumbers and carrots. Dinner was a hummus and tomato sandwich on wheat bread with fresh fruit for dessert.

2) Phone Applications are very helpful! I download an application called Animal Free for my Droid. It has two separate lists in alphabetical order. One with Animal Ingredients, and one with Vegan Ingredients. This was helpful when shopping the other day. I was looking for a snacks that were easy to have for traveling over the weekend. Usually I eat food with ingredients that are real food and I recognize. Occasionally I do get other things though, and I never realized before how many things are not vegan that I just assumed were.Even certain nuts are not vegan. I was able to use the phone app to check ingredients that I was not sure of. So helpful and informative!

Enough of my rambling!!! I'm still really excited about my journey and I have lots of stories to share. I plan to pop in over the next couple days to talk about reactions I received from friends and family members. Also about a couple things I have already learned.


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