You look like a ginger, but you have brown hair. We'll call you cinnamon.

You look like a ginger, but you have brown hair. We'll call you cinnamon.
You look like a ginger, but you have brown hair. We'll call you cinnEMon.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

"A good friend is cheaper than therapy."

~Author Unknown

Right? Right! Right?

I have one friend in particular that I can literally tell everything, too. Her and I have a special bond, we both deal with some of the same mental hurdles. She is someone I tell things to, that I would never, ever, in a million years tell anyone else. Not only can I tell her these things, but we can have a serious discussion about the topic at hand. Sharing stories, sharing difficulties, struggles, and more importantly, how we overcame them.

We are able to have this discussion, about things we would be embarrassed to share with the world, but with no judgment, only sympathy. Having her has made a world of difference. I need that outlet to talk to someone. I need to talk to someone that knows exactly how I feel. Sometimes, just calling her in a time of need, I won’t even need to discuss what is bothering me, but she understand and is able to talk about something to get me to laugh.

Sometimes, I think she just knows when I need her. Yesterday for example, I was tired all day, I was going home to an empty house because my roommates were gone for the evening, usually this leads to a bad evening. I hadn’t really thought about it. But it was lingering in the back of my mind. At lunch time, I saw I had a text from her. Let’s meet at 8:30 for tea tonight. After I got home from work, I was sitting on the couch eating dinner, and I texted her to say I was going to stay home, this was at about 7:45. Just 15 minutes later I was like no, I need to see her,  if not, tonight is going to suck. As I texted her to say never mind I am coming, she texted me to ask me again to go. So I went, we gossiped, and laughed, and talked serious for a few minutes. Then I went home, and went to bed happy. It was just what I needed.

Do you have a good friend that you have “therapy” sessions with? Someone that just seems to know when you need them, or what to hear?


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